Synopsis Submissions for Potential Publication in Volume 17 Are Closed
Multi-stage, Peer-reviewed Process
- Submit a synopsis to be considered for publication
- 6 free-response questions
- Reviewed by 2 board members and 1 faculty member
- Gauging general interest nature of the submission and quality of writing
- Cover artwork ideas also accepted at this stage (no artwork needed)
- If synopsis is accepted, invited to submit a full manuscript
- 3,000 words or less, written for a general audience
- Looking for interesting, engaging, and novel research
- Cover artwork submissions must be accompanied by artwork at this stage
- Reviewed by 2 board members and 1 faculty member
- If full manuscript is accepted, assigned to a team of personal peer-editors
- Refine research and writing, limiting disciplinary jargon
- Check references, finalize visuals
- Format article for Explorations journal style
- Submit final manuscript and required forms/approvals
- Secure approval from faculty advisor
- Copyright agreement
- Author information
- All final files submitted
- Final manuscripts are assigned to UGR staff for review and editing
- Verify approvals, format, files submitted
- Further refine writing
- Author approval of edits required
- Final manuscripts are assigned to a third-party professional editor for editing
- Verify references, transform into Chicago Manual of Style Further refine writing
- Author approval of edits required
- Articles placed into journal design once edits and approvals are complete
- Finalize visuals, captions, and author information
- Minor edits may be communicated during this stage
- Wait for publication in November and celebrate!
Editorial Guidelines and Forms
- Synopsis templates and guides for Vol. 17:
- Synopsis submission form (open to all)
- Full manuscript templates and guides for Vol. 17:
- Final manuscript templates and guides for Vol. 17:
- Final manuscript submission form (by invite only - coming soon)
- Final manuscript template (coming soon)
- Faculty advisor approval form (coming soon)
- Author survey form (coming soon)
- For reference only:
- Prospective Author Informational Slides
- Author Orientation Slides (coming soon)
- Examples from Volume 12
- Required Specifications for Cover Artwork
- Full design must be 8.625" by 11.125" (Portrait Orientation). This means that your 8.5” x 11” document includes a 1/8” bleed. Your design must extend to the edges of the document (i.e. Do not leave the bleed area blank unless it is intentional for the design).
- At least 300 dpi. Vector format is preferred for digital artwork.
- Note that we will place the Explorations and Texas A&M University logos, as well as a “tab” with the volume number and release date, on the cover design. See past issues for examples.
- Faculty advisor approval required and involvement encouraged at all publication stages
General Submission Timeline
Dates | Description |
Early-February | Synopsis Submission Deadline Submit a synopsis of your research or scholarly work by this date to be considered for publication. |
Late-February to Early-March | Synopsis acceptances will be issued. |
Mid-March | Full Manuscript Deadline By invitation only, if synopsis is accepted. |
Mid-April | Full manuscript acceptances will be issued. |
Late-April to Early-May | 1-on-1 meetings with Explorations editors to refine full manuscripts in preparation for the final manuscript submission. Contact editorial teams with questions. |
Early- to Mid-May | Final Manuscript Submission Deadline Submission of peer-edited article, original files, faculty approval, and other paperwork required for publication. By invitation only, if full manuscript is accepted. |
Summer | Final manuscripts undergo two additional rounds of editing by LAUNCH staff and a professional editor. Authors must stay in contact with Explorations staff to manage edits and approvals, and to answer any questions staff may have about article content or design. |
November | Journal Release |