Application: Your faculty advisor must approve your application through the Scholars Thesis Submittal System (STSS). LAUNCH staff will review your faculty-approved application and may return it for revisions. Final approval into the URS thesis program is granted by the LAUNCH office and must be completed within the deadlines given for revisions.
Research Compliance: The office of Research Compliance and Biosafety (RCB) is responsible for providing training and support to faculty, students, and staff in regulatory requirements for research. Research Compliance and Biosafety committees:
- Human Subjects: Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Vertebrate Animals: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Biohazards: Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Installment Submissions, Progress Reports, Presentation Reports: LAUNCH staff will review all assigned submissions and may return installments for revisions. It is your responsibility to complete these assignments within the URS thesis program deadlines or provide a university-excused absence.
Final Thesis: LAUNCH staff will review the document you submit for your final thesis and may return it for revisions. Your faculty advisor must approve your final thesis through the Scholars Thesis Submittal System (STSS). Completion of the URS thesis program is granted by the LAUNCH office and is dependent upon completion of all required activities and deadlines in the URS thesis program.