Undergraduate Research (UGR): LAUNCH: UGR is a gateway for information related to summer undergraduate research experiences. LAUNCH: UGR provides information to help PIs, colleges, and departments coordinate programs and learn about campus policies regarding REU and other summer undergraduate research experiences (SURE).Download the official policies packet and resources/contacts list for REU/SUREs at the top of this page.
Annual Coordination Meeting (Summer 2024)
Faculty and staff that coordinate REU and other summer undergraduate research experiences (SURE) are highly encouraged to attend the annual REU/SURE Coordination Meeting hosted by LAUNCH: UGR.At this meeting, we will discuss policies for summer programs including the process for admissions, course enrollment, fee waivers, general deposit, student health services, international students, on-campus housing, as well as Title IX, honor code, student conduct, and other summer activities.
January 26, 2024 | 8:30-10:00 AM | Zoom
Email to obtain the Zoom details if you are not already on our listserv.
Register Your Summer REU/SURE Program (Summer 2024)
Additionally, REU and other summer undergraduate research experiences are encouraged to register with LAUNCH: UGR each year to ensure they receive updates and information related to summer program policies.Program Registration Link: