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LAUNCH Texas A&M University LAUNCH

Open Now! Closes on 11/8/2024 11:59:59 PM

Submit manuscripts (and associated abstract) in .docx format only.

2425 Journal of Law & Society Volume 1 Manuscript Submission

Submission Requirements:

  1. Submissions must include a 100-250 word abstract.
  2. Excluding the abstract, submissions must be between 3,000 and 8,000 words. Students interested in publishing works with less than or above the required word count are strongly encouraged to revise their manuscripts to meet this requirement.
  3. Submissions may be from any discipline but must focus on the law, government, or politics. 
  4. Submissions must either be a paper written for an undergraduate class (including directed studies and research sections) or for a research project completed as an undergraduate.
  5. Submissions may be in any citation style, but will have to be converted to the TAMUJLS House Style if accepted for publication.
  6. Regardless of the context in which the paper was produced, approval must be solicited from the overseeing faculty member. If a class paper, it would be the professor who taught the class. If a research project, it would be the professor who advised you in your work.

Please select the pronouns that you prefer people use when referring to you.
Please enter a non-TAMU email address.
Enter the four-letter major code. e.g., COMM
Think about a catchy title for your submission. If your submission makes it to publication, what would it be titled?
Enter your faculty research advisor's full name. All projects published in the Undergraduate Journal of Law & Society must be conducted under the supervision of a Texas A&M faculty member. If your submission proceeds to the full article submission stage, your faculty advisor must approve your article for publication.
Enter your faculty advisor's department. If your submission proceeds to the full article submission stage, your faculty advisor must approve your article for publication.
Enter your faculty advisor's email address. If your submission proceeds to the full article submission stage, your faculty advisor must approve your article for publication. If you have not told your faculty advisor that you are submitting to the Undergraduate Journal of Law & Society, do so now.
You must select I agree for your submission to be considered.